Friday, October 1, 2010

In the Beginning . . . .

. . . . there was burnt wood and cave walls.  Images substituted for words.  Now we communicate through electrons, bits, bytes and codes written in base 2 numbers.

Welcome to my blog.  I'm TWB (The Willens Boy) and I'll be the one musing to amuse-- and stimulate, and reflect, and ponder, and question, and inquire and share.  Oh, and invite the same from those who care to do likewise.

In today's world, expression has shifted from the linear fragmented presentations fostered by the Gutenberg press and its progeny to what I've heard described as the "immersive simultaneity of the electronic media."  

Readers today are simply not satisfied with USA Today color schemes.  Today they require multi-sensory strings of dopamine hits to sustain their attention.  And, if the author is lucky, maybe even some comprehension enters into the mix.   

Authors today find themselves using cool graphics, hip culturally-aware humor and the occasionally terrifying statistic to get their point across--and they must do so quickly--for the pace of things forces those with a message to get their points across quicker than ever before.  Boredom now works at the quantum level.

No doubt about it--the medium has become at least part of the message (to paraphrase Marshall McLuhan).

So welcome aboard.  Let's co-join the medium and the message and filter, reflect, ponder and share with each other that which strikes our fancy.  That's a simple enough mission statement, don't you think?


P.S.  To reply to any post, click on the "comments" link below each post.

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